He Has Already Given Us

Just a Thought – What if wealthy places for an abundant living are facets of thoughts expressed beyond our familiarity? Mainly aware of knowing that our Father chose us from the foundation of the world.

As each joint supplies the body, we genuinely appreciate with utmost respect He “already gave us,” collectively, through Jesus’ finished work of redemption, as, i.e., seen in the below passages: 

2nd Peter 1:3-4, 2nd Corinthians 5:18, Ephesians 1:3, 2nd Timothy 1:7 

  • His divine power has given us everything about a godly life.”
  • Through Christ, Father gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
  • Father blessed us with “every spiritual blessing.
  • Spirit of God gave us power, love, self-control/sound mind.”

Could experiencing wholesome maturity derive from a willingness to consider and/or reconsider diverse ideas that bridge a way for authentic connections intermingling all our lives by speaking truth in love? 

Galatians 5:6: Love fuels belief and sets faith in motion.

Thinking out loud – If each of us put on/dress-in/live out of the mind of Christ driven with the heart of Agape, the manifold wisdom of Father effortlessly manifests unlimited multiplicity of expressions providing a healthy balance in every area that concerns us – spirit, soul, body. For example, the manifold wisdom of Father is marked by a “variety/diversity” of colors, i.e., seen or expressed in a beautiful painting.

Holy Spirit gives utterance/clarity – as we see and hear – communicating that ultimately, we know that the goodness of Father leads all of us to transform our thinking. This shift begins personally, then conversationally, as each of us becomes who we were destined to be and helps one another progressively grow.

Hebrews 6: Let us go toward perfection/maturity.  God speaking of His unshakeable Kingdom definitely can be discovered if we only choose to seek first His Kingdom, even Righteousness.  

Proverbs 25:2: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; the honor of kings to penetrate; hence, to examine intimately — find out, (make) search (out), seek (out), sound, try.

Can we imagine: opportunities illuminating? Concepts evolving? Proceeding words of life enlightening potentialities (all things possible); in earth as heaven? Not in a spooky weirdness, whether a healthy way strengthening all our lives with a helpful, hopeful, and productive future.

Open-minded conversations, for, i.e., between Paul, as he and the twelve apostles collaborated multiple times, required further discussions. Or between a young girl no one recognized by the name of Mary (who knew not flesh yet Christ formed within) and spent quality time talking with Elizabeth (who was barren, now expecting John). Then in time, positioned Zachariah to be in agreement aligning with God’s idea about John’s name/nature/purpose regarding Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Discussions exchange, proposed questions, and various interaction propels the fullness of the Godhead, bodily, expressing, and increasing Kingdom of God; righteousness, peace, joy in Spirit, again, toward a wholesome, balanced life in every area concerns us; experientially.

Paul said, Spirit testifies we are joint/co-heirs with Christ, heirs of our Father.” We all are part of the same Body of Redemption, with tongues as pens of ready writers to dialogue as living epistles (from that, we see Our Father speaking) as His Spirit gives utterance/clarity.

Equipping each other wholly, i.e. (bible studies, relationships/friendships, medical associations, gyms, stock market, mental well-being, etc.) from our unique field of expertise, gifting, and talent indeed reveals Father’s manifold wisdom. 

What a privilege to be divine partakers of His nature as we learn to live, move, and have our being knowing we are His offspring. Acts 17:28

What if wealthy places for an abundant living are facets of thoughts expressed beyond our familiarity? Mainly aware of knowing that our Father chose us from the foundation of the world.

Hugs with Love, Monique