Transformational Shift of Kingdom Dialogue

Just a Thought – Matthew 13:33 Heaven’s kingdom is like yeast that a woman takes and blends into three measures of flour and waits until all the dough rises

Symbolic yeast is a small start expanding intensity until its influence permeates and prevails in family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. Three measures (symbolic resurrection life) at first seem insignificant; however, in the waiting, it rises, effectively affecting and involving the whole.

Imagine considering and reconsidering Kingdom concepts (foundational and ever-increasing), equipping us to focus our collective strengths proficiently. In Christ, we are the light of the world (revealing to illuminate) and salt in the earth (visionary, insightful flavor).

Heaven’s approval recognizes and cheers our God-given abilities surpassing difficulties as divine ideas transform into realities {real*ties}. We seek to honor involving others, especially the household of faith, as possibilities integrate with innovation multiplying our capacity. 

Thankfully the Lord’s divine power has given us everything we need about life, even godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by His glory and excellence. Our Father engineered us with diverse giftings with all it takes to overflowingly live out of His Kingdom’s accessible and obtainable intention. How can we be certain

Just as the human body is one, though it has many parts that together form one body, so is Christ. {Christ is now a body with many functions.} For by one Spirit, we were all immersed and mingled into one body. And no matter our status, we are privileged to drink deeply of Holy Spirit. 1st Corinthians 12:12-26

Going on toward perfection (maturity) revolutionizes our understanding as every word (Rhema) proceeds out of God’s mouth, manifesting Father’s heart in the Kingdom quality of His wholesome life.

Rhema is a spoken word created by the living voice of God speaking in and through us to birth the King’s persuasion. Faith comes from repeatedly hearing the word (Rhema) of Christ. 

What about pressing forward in rhythm with vision? In doing so, His Life replaces facets of perishing (having no vision) as we pray, speak, and dialogue from the truthfulness of prophetic revelation in discerning and filling the body with light. 

Through clarity, strategic solutions speak like flowing rivers of living water uttered as tongues of fire, revealing Christ-life, His new creation with dominion. 

How can supernatural opportunities build momentum in our lifetime as present Truth? 

Let’s consider the conversation between Gabriel (Messenger) and Mary (one receiving God’s message) as potential suddenly stirred deep within Mary from “how can this be” into “let it be unto me according to your word (Rhema).” 

At times we are like the messenger, and other times we receive from a messenger the best of both worlds, together with unction from Holy Spirit to recognize that all things are possible. 

Mary, like us, must wholeheartedly embrace the why when she logically didn’t understand the how. The guarantee is the power of His Spirit reminding and leading us into all truth with an idea of thoroughness.

To as many as receive Him (actively lay hold of accepting what is available), He gives them the power (delegated authority in a territory) to become the sons of God. John 1:12 

Thankfully our identity is settled because of Jesus’ finished redemptive work of restoration. 

Even so, deep calls to deep; let’s answer the depths of His call! 

In the book of Daniel, we find that Daniel and his three friends refused to partake in what the king of Babylon (confusion by mixture) provided. Out of everyone, they intentionally chose a different mindset while living in Babylon, preparing to serve, but not of it.

So, who was everyone? All taken captive were of the royal seed, without blemish, highly favored, well-informed, with various levels of learning, knowledge, competence, and nobility.

Beyond royal identity, it’s essential to speak out of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in areas of life. And to make a difference, one must be determined to think differently, personally and professionally.

What we focus on (give our time, talent, treasure, and energy) is what we become, ultimately expressing our unique influence: ordinary or extraordinary, settler or pioneer, religious or remnant. 

To the natural eye, the impression of the king’s diet looked good to everyone except the four. They adjusted their internal compass only for pulse (seed-producing diet) and water, inspired by their prayerful persuasion. 

Daniel found favor with the Chief Official, but in asking for his help about the king’s diet, out of fear for his life, he refused. Daniel learned an important lesson; don’t quit. He revised his conversational approach for the next person in charge, who was lower in rank than the previous official. 

Instead of debating diet, Daniel brokered a business deal surrounding his integrity, “For the next three years, the king ordered all royalty to eat the food and drink he provided. Everyone understands after the third year, royalty will appear before the king to enter his service. I’m only asking you for ten days starting today. And after ten days, you compare our countenance to everyone and make your decision in light of what you see.” What strategy! 

Daniel met him where he was, engaging his respected title role, and closed the deal. In the following ten days of eating vegetables (conceived seed) and water, the four looked healthier than everyone. Their request was granted to partake in pulse and water for the remaining three years. Resurrection third-dimensional dwelling! 

Finally, conversing with them, the king of Babylon determined that no one compared to them; recognized they were ten times better than the rest and placed them in a powerful position of influence in Babylon. A beautiful picture of the remnant in unity preparing ministry for the world toward wholeness. 

Our exceptional qualities are compounded with wise strategies that are innovative and serve in any situation! Our inward resolve of spiritual partaking of His divine nature manifests outward purposeful dialogue that creates desired kingdom results.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela 

Hugs with Love, Monique